Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The 4 lost girls

There was this little girl called  Manaia and she went on a boat with her friends Victoria , Lexani and Kaia  and then their boat sank and they got washed up on this unknown Island.

On the Island there was 2 palm trees,2 big rocks and a beautiful sunset. Then they went adventuring such as climbing trees, looking under rocks and walking on the beach.  When Kaia was climbing the palm tree she found a bottle with a pen and a piece of paper.

This is what they wrote. Hi My name is Manaia and I went on a trip with my friends Kaia,Lexani and Victoria and we got stuck on this unknown island. “Help,Help,Help please come and save us!”
After they wrote the note they chucked it into the water.Then it was night time, they found some rocks and sticks to make a fire.Then they got some leaves for blankets.

In the morning they went hunting for food, they climbed a coconut tree and they got a coconut that had all the yummy juice or coconut cream in it.Then they got a coconut with  the coconut shavings in it and it was amazing.

Then they ate their food.Then they got some sticks and leaves to make a hut because it looked liked a storm was  coming.

Oh look someone is coming on the boat to save us.Look there in a blue boat I think it's the police coming to save us I hope our parents are there to.
“Oh my gosh someone is coming to save us”
“Yas I told you that someone would save us”

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

My Christmas story

Image resultDecember 25 is Christmas ,This Christmas I only want one thing,this Christmas  I want a new phone because mine is broken.Every Christmas we put up or Christmas tree and decorations and candy canes on our tree a. In the morning  my brother and I usually sleep together so we can run to the tree in the morning.For breakfast my Dad makes  us breakfast. We usually have a hangi for dinner.My mum makes some baking because we need some treats. Thank you Santa
Sincerely Manaia

My Halloween recount

Ooooo! I said in a spooky voice.Boo! I scared my brother.This year I went as a skeleton witch and my Aunty did my face paint. My mum said that we shouldn't go because there was a big storm in Auckland but then it stopped.

This year we got lee's candy then last year. Halloween has been around for 20,00 years. The reason I don't like Halloween is because then some kids teeth can full out or get roten because if all of the lollies they get.

My favourite candy is twix,kit kat and caramel hard candy.This year  I got lots of lollies we shared our lollies. “Trick or treat” I said to the person at the door and they gave me a big twix bar.

This year I loved my costume and I hope it doesn't rain next year.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Information report-Dolphins

Information report-Dolphins

Image result for dolphins

Dolphins are amazing, beautiful, kind and  gentle animals that are very intelligent.  

Are dolphins mammals?
Yes dolphins are mammals because they are warm blooded even though they live in the water.  Being a mammal means that they have live babies.  Dolphins are carnivores which means they eat meat.


Dolphin's can be blue, grey, pink or brown.  Dolphins have a little hole at the top of its head which helps them to breathe.  Dolphins also have fins and a cool looking tails.  They have amazing eyesight and hearing.

What dolphins like to eat

Dolphins like to eat different kinds of fish.

Facts on dolphins

The killer whale which is also known as an Orca is actually a type of dolphin.  The bottlenose dolphin is the most common dolphin.  The female dolphin is called a cow and the males are called bulls.  Baby dolphins are called calves.  They usually live and hang out together with about 12 other dolphins, these are called pods or schools.

I think it is really sad that people are killing dolphins as I think they would be a wonderful pet and are very cool animals.